Bungee Center

I’ve heard that the elastic can wrap around your neck during the ascent after the first bounce. Is this true?

2025-03-04T17:38:12+01:004 March 2025|

Colliding with the bungee in the "zero gravity" moment, which occurs after the ascent phase from the first bounce, is rare but not to be excluded. We always recommend not touching the bungee ropes during the launch. Any other situation is completely fortuitous and has never occurred in over thirty years of activity of our [...]

Do you have any others activity in your Bungee Center?

2025-03-04T17:45:44+01:0029 March 2019|

Yes, near the Colossus Bridge you can find our Adventure Park Veglio with a real aerial adventure trails between trees inside a deep wood. At about 15km. distance: down-hill MTB, free climbing, skiing, horse riding are available as well with the Consorzio Alpi Biellesi.

Can I use my own camera or actioncam?

2025-03-04T19:04:03+01:0029 March 2019|

No, for insurance reasons and to maintain our safety level, no accessory not provided by our organization can be used during the launches. At our Bungee Center, however, there are two filming systems: a station outside the bridge with our cameraman, to film your jump from a unique angle (including the preparation phase), and our [...]

Is the activity of Bungee Jumping safe?

2025-03-04T18:04:04+01:0029 March 2019|

Diagoline srl is the 1st Italian professional Company specialized in bungee jumping from 1994. Everything must be calculated to exclude every kind of risk, elastic ropes made by our own with a decennial know how; our bungee cords are tested by Polytechnic of Torino and have the special AES (Anti-Elongation System), anyhow it is the [...]

What do I mean by equipment?

2019-03-29T15:10:08+01:0029 March 2019|

We provide all the equipment and training. By bungee equipment we primarily mean the actual cord, but the essential part of Bungee Jumping are the ankle harnesses with a backup harness with two separate connections and the sternal harness for a third safety.

What should I wear when I do my bungee jump?

2022-02-02T14:51:56+01:0029 March 2019|

Clothing - Please dress according to the weather. Dress in comfortable, casual clothes. Footwear - Please refrain from wearing boots or anything that may interfere with ankle harnesses otherwise they will have to be removed prior to jumping. Trainers and securely fastened shoes are fine. Glasses / Contact lenses - .Unfortunately glasses and hard contact [...]

Have there ever been accidents in Italy and in the World?

2019-03-29T15:07:50+01:0029 March 2019|

Yes, in Italy in 1998. Two Bungee Jumping organization (Jumping Italia e Jochen Schweizer Bungee Jumping) caused non-fatal incident anyone. In May 2002, Associazione Jumping of Arrone (Terni) caused a fatal incident, the cause of the incident has been determined as human error. From that day was born SISE (Standard Italiano Salto con Elastico). In [...]

Can I do Tandem Jump?

2025-03-04T17:33:35+01:0029 March 2019|

No, we don’t do tandem jumps at our Bungee Center because they do not comply our safety standards and we prefer give priority to the single experience and focusing the activity on single jumps it was possible increase the elastics length (our cords are the longest in the world, compared to the jump height!).

What are the min. and max. weight limits?

2025-03-04T17:28:46+01:0029 March 2019|

Min. weight limit is 45 kg. Max. weight limits is 120 kg, with clothes and without harness, off course. When registering at our Reception, before equipping yourself with the harnesses, you will be asked to weigh yourself with an electronic scale.

Do you require a medical certificate or a physical fitness?

2019-03-29T13:09:23+01:0029 March 2019|

No, we don’t require any medical certificate but if you are not in good health you should NOT jump. It is not advisable for who have heart disease, pregnancy, ophthalmology (severe myopia, degenerative myopia etc.), damages of skeleton, muscles-tendons and joint, shoulder dislocation, central an peripheral neurological disease (paresis, paralysis, epilepsy)subjects under the influence of [...]


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